Hello everyone!
You know what time it is!
*ends Adventure Time spoof*
Well, this week, we've got some exciting new updates from AJ HQ!
Well, the first two things kinda tie into each other: First, there's the new Pet Party, where you can buy clothes and accessories for your pets! And that's not all... it's also a place where you can buy the BRAND NEW Turtle Pet! Hooray!
Second thing, there's a new Den Contest! Design the amazingest den you can imagine, and send your ideas to AJ HQ! They might make it into the next den!
The best part about this one is that you can use the new Painting activity to design your den and send the design to AJ HQ without having to upload your contest idea! No lag time, in other words! Yay!
Next thing, the Summer Carnival sale now is active for every prize at the Carnival. Everything's half off; it's going to be gone soon!
This month's Monthly Member Gift is a GOLDEN PHANTOM STATUE, available if you get membership during the month of August.
The best part about this update is that AJ now has a CUSTOM MOUSE that you can play around with while in the game. It looks kinda like a rock tied to a stick, but unfortunately, I could not get a picture because the mouse is automatically not shown in screenshots. Ever. (And it's not just a Windows 7 feature, either.)
That's all for the AJ updates for this week, but right now, I'm looking at the poll results, and at a few other places around the site, and I'm pretty sure that WCC is going to have updates of its own to look forward to!
Bye for now!