Tuesday, May 31, 2011

More Information on the Party

Hello everyone!
Here's the complete information about the party:

WHEN: FRIDAY, JUNE 10TH, 2011, 5:00 PM CST

How does that sound?
Remember: Wear a costume! The best, most creative costume wins the prize!
Bye for now!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Hit the 'Ball' Harder!

Hello everyone!
Well, I'm just here to say that we've gotten a RECORD NUMBER of hits in May... about 100 more than last month!
So, now our all-time hits meter goes up... and we have over 8000 now!
Party? Next weekend? 3:00 CST? Saturday? Animal Museum? Anybody feel like it?
Or should we wait until the next next weekend, when I'm going to get out of school, for a School's Out For The Summer/Record Number of Hits Party?
Comment! What do you think?
Maybe we can even get AJiscool to show up... AJ's demo account from all the movies! ;)
Bye for now!

Cheat Videos?

Hey everybody!
I was wondering if I should start posting links to self-made cheat videos... cuz it's easier to SHOW than TELL.
I'll put a poll up... and possibly start making some!
Bye for now!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Chapter one part one complete!!

I have finished chapter one of my story. It's not exactly like animaljam.. Just a story about a wolf and- Wait i can't tell u all of it! I will post chapter one part two once i make sure everyone (who wants to) read part one. My story is called The "Gold" Wolf.... The blog to read it is called thegoldwolf.blogspot.com
And comment to tell me if u want to be in the other chapters and if you liked my story!


My story blog

Hi peeps!
I'm making a blog with my story... I do not know what to name it and stuff like that...
But i'm writing an animaljam story... I am making a blog with all the details and stuff.. and the story and chapters and all that cool stuff..
I was wondering if anyone wanted to be part of the story. . .?
If you do then comment and i'll make a part for you..
But i'm thinking of the story and the blog name and everything!!!
It will be on my new blog im making soon. I'll give ya'll the link to meh blog once I got the first chapter finished!
I have lots of time to think of the story... so do not worry... I'll post the dead line of signing up to be part of the story..
This is the way you gotta say it.. (If you want to be a charater in my story)

I want to be in the story!
My animaljam name is _______ (Your name of your animaljam animal)

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Crane Feathers Updated!

Hello everyone!
Crane Feathers has been updated!
Chapters one and two have been put up.
Congratulations to Silverstorm/Wolfrock12 for being the winning entry!
Read the post below about the new stuff in Jamaa!
Bye for now!

New Stuff!

Hello everyone!
The new newspaper came! Lots of new stuff this week! Here's the list:

M = member only item, R = returned
Sky High game console (M)
Wind Rider game console (M)
Porch Swing (M)
Rose Bush (M)
Snow Shoes (M)
Koala Banner (M)
Bunny Banner (M)
Seal Banner
Elephant Banner
Cat Hat (M) (R)
Lei (R)
Swimming Pool (M)
Elephant Shoji Screen
New Rare Gloves (4 kinds) (M)
New Chat Option (Limited)
New Server Names (They're looking into new server names right now... possibly more new servers?)
A section in the paper on how to avoid being scammed
Family Jubilee (R)
New Game (Fruit Slinger, Appondale)

Anybody know of anything else?
Bye for now!

Thursday, May 26, 2011


Hello everyone...
I am officially ADDICTED to The Endless Forest.
Until this 'phase' wears off, I will be visiting this seldom and posting developments about AJ when I find them.
Anyways, isn't there supposed to be a new newspaper? I can't see it if there is...
Bye for now!

My website!!!!!

Hiya guys!

I made a blogger! Here is the link..
Tell me if ya like it!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

'Monthly Gifts', and The Endless Forest Cheats!

Hello everyone!
Recently I was on AJ looking around. I saw that I had a new Jam-A-Gram.
Turns out it was a gift from AJ: a Mummy Glove!
Who knows what this is? I don't know...

Also, I've been poking around The Endless Forest's forum section. I've discovered a lot of cool cheats, including how to make it forever foggy, walk on water (awesome), fly (I haven't become Rudolph yet, unfortunately) and lots more!
Should I post some of these secrets on the 'Known Codes' page? Or should I make a separate Game Guide for The Endless Forest?
Bye for now!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

FeralHeart Problems, and Replacement Game?

Hello everyone!
I just wanted to say that recently I've been having problems with the back-up game, FeralHeart. On one of the computers, I get in-game and see complete blackness, and on the other... well, it crashes when I try to get in. So... I don't know...

Anyway, I've found a replacement game that might work better. It's called The Endless Forest. It's site is tale-of-tales.com/TheEndlessForest. Anyways, I played it last night, and now that FH has crashed... well, I've been thinking about it. Also, this game might work for those of you that can't get FH to work.
Anyway, a bit more about this game is that you play as a deer with a human face. There is no real 'chat box', so you need to use e-motes to communicate with others. If you're registered, you will have a golden symbol that identifies you over your head. What you do is you walk around experiencing nature and stuff, and collecting and casting spells on other deer. There's even a magical fountain that transforms you into another animal, one of four kinds and different sizes (and a pond that turns you into a frog as long as you're in the water. I've read on the forums that there's also ways to fly and walk on water, as well as sit in trees, etc. I've also heard of the 'Deermuda Triangle' which has all sorts of strange stuff with it...).
Even though there's no chat box, if you look at some of the posts on their forum (and they mention FeralHeart directly) they say that FeralHeart is not as good because of the chat box. It's really interesting and fun to try to get people to cast spells on you, etc. I haven't met anyone on there, but even at 10:00 at night (CST) there were around 30 people on.
I don't know about you, but since FeralHeart crashed for me... I'm going to start using this game. Here's a link to a place where you can see my pictogram (the golden identifier symbol (On this page there's a 'spring green' background. The symbol is the white part that looks kinda like an animal face. Use your imagination). Another important feature is that I'm currently a fawn, and I will be until June 24th (I think, anyway)):
I can be a mentor on chat for how to do stuff, I've read a lot of it's forum section and I can help others that want to try to do things, like learn how to walk on water or fly like a reindeer (as I mentioned earlier).
Anybody like this idea?
Bye for now!

Monday, May 23, 2011

The CFF is Open to Post Stories, and New Contest!

Hey everybody!
Two things!
One, the CFF (Crane Feathers Forum) is now open! Anyone can post their stories there now!
Two, there is a new contest! I took the liberty to go and track down all of the Miras in Jamaa and I have an exact count! Anyone think seven is a lucky number? That's how many there are! Go hunt for Miras!
Bye for now!


Hello everyone!
The 'official' Crane Feathers Banners have arrived!
UPDATE: Both banners are up! Here they are:
They're designed to be a link to the Story page... or another page. There's some sort of special code to make it do that...
Bye for now!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Writing Has Started... Sign Up For Characters FAST!

Hello everyone!
Writing on Crane Feathers has started...
If you want your character to be in it, sign up FAST! I will post this on Saturday... sign up by Friday at the very latest.
Bye for now!

Jamaali Equality!

Hello everyone!
I don't know when it will be... but, here's an honorary WCC holiday!

Jamaali Equality Day!

What is it, exactly? Well, it's a day when everyone acts like non-member non-free-chat people!
Now you may be asking, 'Well, why in the world would I want to act like that? That doesn't sound fun...'
Here's why it's non-member non-free-chat people, and the 'rules' for it.

Not everyone in Jamaa has a membership, and not everyone in Jamaa has free chat. This is just a day where we can all be 'equal', even if it's only for a few hours, because EVERYONE can buy/wear non-member stuff and everyone can use the 'chat list', if you know what I mean. That way, we can all look through the same perspective.
So what happens is, on Jamaali Equality Day, members will not buy, wear, or show any member items (if you had to place a den item just right, for example, you can keep it there), dens, extra animals, etc. and free chatters will use the 'chat list'. It seems very crippling because it is very crippling. But in the spirit of equality, sacrifice is needed.
And one day is still more than not any at all. But it's less than forever, too.

So, whenever this may be... who knows? And it doesn't have to happen at all.
Bye for now!

The REAL reason Members get more stuff then Non-Members..

I was just looking at the membership stuff (I don't know why). And then I see this..

And I realise they need more members to help save Big Cats! They need help! So they are trying to get more members cause they use the money to help Big Cats! A small portion of the money you payed will be used to help save Big Cats! It is not cause they WANT money it is that they NEED money. Not for the site, but to help the big cats! So don't think it is those other reasons. If you don't belive me check it out yourself!

New Codes!

Hey everyone!
Two new codes! Here they are:
I'm not sure if they work yet... but, who knows?
Bye for now!

Friday, May 20, 2011

New Scamming, Old Scamming!

Hello everyone!
If you're looking for the stuff on Crane Feathers, the next WCC story, scroll down to the post below.
Anyway, I have two things here to tell you:
1. An old way of scamming has been resolved.
2. A new way of scamming has appeared.
The old way that was resolved was the 'click the pillow' routine. Now, after the thing that shows the trade and has the accept/deny buttons, there's another one that says 'Are you sure you want to accept this trade?' with the buttons in the CENTER of the screen instead of lower corner, etc.
The new way of scamming that has come about is what I call 'team scamming'. I just heard about this method from someone I've known for a long time (although I won't mention any names).
Here's how it works:

 Two people team up and one decides to play as (or, in my friend's case, was forced to. The situation that would have resulted would have been... bad, to say the least) the 'no-chat' person.
So what they do is the other one finds a person with a rare item and tells them something like, 'Hey! My friend might want to trade something with you for that item. They don't have free chat, see, and their trade buttons don't work, but my friend has ___(rare item name here)___ that you might like to trade for that.'
If the person says that they're interested, they give the item by Jam-A-Gram to the 'non-chat' person.
Then, if they have an item that everyone has (in my friend's situation a fruit bowl became a candy basket, and the candy basket was given to the friend to give her that) they'll send that instead. Then they give the item to the chat person (somewhere else. Otherwise the person will see they scammed and report them before they leave). Probably they then repeat the process, switching roles, to make it fair, if both are willing.

So... those of you that are members, watch out! This form of scamming can probably work on non-members too, except that they won't give an item in return (even in member trades they might not). So, thus, if you see two members walk up to you saying something like this, head to your own (locked) den or teleport to a friend on a different server. DO NOT ACCEPT ANY JAM-A-GRAM TRADES. THEY WILL NOT BE FAIR AND UNFORTUNATELY CAN'T BE REGULATED BY ANIMAL JAM TO MAKE SURE THEY'RE FAIR.
One problem resolved, another created!
Well, it's a start!
Bye for now!

More Info on How It Will Work...

Hello everyone!
I don't know for sure, but I think some people may be confused about how writing Crane Feathers is going to work.
Well, here's a more detailed explanation:

People have already signed up for characters in the story. If you want to be a character, please sign up on the post below before next Friday! That's when I'm going to start writing the 'introducing the characters' part and possibly a bit of a 'prompt' in addition to it to get us started. Please note that if not enough people sign up, those that do can be TWO characters if they want to.
Next, well, I'm going to write about the characters, etc. This part is self-explanatory.
After that, the most confusing part, the competition, begins. Here's an example of what this will be like:
1. I read the part about the characters.
2. I get my imagination going!
3. I try to write a continuation of the story, like, a chapter, for example (try NOT to make an ending to the story. We want a big, long one, right?). Here's an example:
The cat, cloaked in night, ran into the shadows when it saw the phantom. The phantom was big, black, and crackled with electricity like a broken power line.
The cat watched the thing. Its one eye couldn't see her, but she felt it was watching her.
Suddenly, the phantom shot out a bolt of electricity to where she was hiding. The she-cat jumped and ran, but the electricity caught up with her and zapped her.
She watched the thing approach her...
This is just an example. Please don't use this.
4. After I finish writing my 'chapter', I post it in a comment on the Story Forum page (which is not enabled yet). Then I wait until Friday, when I (Woodswolf) will judge them. Note that I'm looking for writing that has lots of possibilities for directions. If I see a piece of writing that is almost a conclusion, well, it's probably not going to be picked. Before the winner's piece gets put on-site I will edit it to take out errors in spelling, grammar, etc.
5. Repeat steps 1-4 next week.

That's how most of it will work. Please note that I will be writing pieces only once every month or so just to 'help it along', but I will be posting them in a response to a person's story bit. This is how I can keep the story away from a conclusion if we're going to try to make this last for a year or longer.
I guess that's pretty much it.
If anyone has questions, comment on this post. I'll answer your wonderings ;)
Bye for now!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Crane Feathers

Hello everyone!
I'm looking for EVERYONE'S help for a big project...
It's gonna be a 'chain story', you could say. It's called 'Crane Feathers'.
What will happen in the end, who knows? Even I don't know.
Here's how it's gonna work:

I'm gonna post the very beginning of an AJ story on here. Just to introduce the characters.
If you want to be a character, sign up on this post! Just tell me what you want your name to be in the story, and a short description of yourself that everyone else can play off of, as well as your species, such as wolf, or bunny, etc. EVERYONE WHO SIGNS UP WILL GET A PART.
Then, what's gonna happen is each week, anyone who wants to (you don't have to... but it would be fun if everyone did) post in a comment what happens next. Whoever I think did the best job (I will not be submitting stories... thus, everyone will have an equal chance) will get their part posted on the Story page, along with your name.
Then next week, everyone then has to play off of what you wrote. Then, EVERYONE controls the story!

How does this sound? I think it would end up being very interesting...
Now, why is it called 'Crane Feathers'? Well, sing this to the tune of the Spongebob theme song (if you don't know it, it's okay):

Who is a big bird that rules Animal Jam?
Mira the Crane!
Who hears animal prayers all day every day?
Mira the Crane!
Who created the Shamans so we can all see?
Mira the Crane!
Who wanted us to be so happy all ways?
Mira the Crane!

Mira the Crane,
Mira the Crane,
Mira... the Crane!

I think I've made my point. Mira needs to play some role in it, and wether she comes at the beginning or end, or she's all over it, it doesn't matter.
Here are the rules (if you don't follow them you WILL be disqualified):

1. Don't treat any characters (besides Mira, and maybe Zios, if someone ties him in somehow. But please, if you are going to include him, just make sure that you have read AJ's backstory first) as gods/goddesses. It's not fair or fun for others.
2. No bad words.
3. If one of the characters is applying as a doctor below, well... just make sure that we don't have to deal with anyone having pups/kits, etc. That's not exactly appropriate. You CAN, on the other hand, have characters have mystery diseases that make them very sick . For example, I remember one time (I have doctor training on AJ) that I made a patient have 'Phantom's Disease'... a sickness that is induced by exposure to phantom electricity (and can be triggered in the Phantom Vortex). I forget what the cure was, but you can use that idea if you want to.
4. Characters can't die, unless if they come back to life. It's not fair to anyone if someone is eliminated in the first few chapters before the story is even close to finished. Characters can, and probably will, be left alone for periods of time if they lose their 'importance' for a bit.
5. Treat others the way you want to be treated. This rule pretty much covers all of them, but I wanted to get the specifics.
6. Just because I said that you can't be gods didn't mean you can't be magical. You can have special powers, if you like. You can be spirits, magicians, etc., but you can't be gods. Please note that if you want to be something with 'magical powers', it will have to meet everyone's approval.

Okay... I think this settles it.
Sign up below!
Bye for now!
Name; Species; Role/Description
TBD = To Be Determined
Mythical Magicmaster; Wolf; Magician, loner, (possibly knows 'secrets')
Hjackler; Wolf; Bodyguard/Bounty Hunter/Fighter
Snowy; Bunny; Loud, fun, and creative
Katie/Esmeralda; Human/Cat; Helpful, kind, and creative
Mystery; Seal; Shy, fearful
Blackear; Wolf; Fighter/Hunter
Fenndy; Bunny; Never spotted/spy
Wolfrock; Wolf; Stubborn/independent
FunPinkyPinky; Wolf; Witty, funny, weird
Key99(?); Bunny; small, young, fighter
Eclipse; wolf/rabbit; carries a bag of pepper, transforms when sneezes

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Animal 'Territories'?

Hey everybody!
Anyway, I've noticed this for a while... but does anyone think I could be right about it?
Here's my theory:

There are animal 'territories'. This is how it would work:
Everybody can go wherever they want to in Jamaa, but certain animals have their 'homes' in certain places.
For example, if you look at the map, you see an ELEPHANT on top of the Temple of Trivia building. That is where the ELEPHANTs' homes would be.
Then, if you go to Mt. Shiveer, you see a SEAL carving in the ice. That is where the SEALs' homes would be.
And if you go to Coral Canyons, you see a WOLF carving in the stone. This was explained in a VERY old Ask-A-Shaman that this used to be the dwelling of a WOLF pack.
And maybe if they come out with BIRDS sometime, Crystal Sands would be their home because of the big BIRD by the Canyons Pathway.
And, well, if you think about it, TIGERS live and hunt on plains like Appondale.
Also, KOALAS live in forests (although not quite like Sarepia; they could probably share Appondale, but for this purpose, we say they won't) and Sarepia is unoccupied, so... yeah.
So that's 6 animals (unless if birds never come). And there could be more.

THAT'S why there could be territories. Does anyone else have an idea where to fit the other animals?
Bye for now!
New Weekly Poll! Vote what animal you were on the Personality Test!

Monday, May 16, 2011

What Animal Are You? Personality Test

Hey everyone!
I just wanted to show you this personality test I made. This will help you determine which animal you are. I based it off of the personalities of the Shamans. Here it is:

What Animal Are You?
1. What is your best quality?
A. I'm majestic.
B. I'm a tinkerer.
C. I'm quite clever.
D. I'm friendly.
E. I'm brave and powerful.
F. I'm DIFFERENT, and I like it that way!

2. What is another important thing about you?
A. I am quite a fighter.
B. I like inventing things.
C. I don't usually follow the orders of anyone I consider 'below me'.
D. I'm always cheerful.
E. I love exploring.
F. I'm a musician or artist.

3. What is your favorite school subject?
A. History and/or Social Studies.
B. Mechanics and/or Physics.
C. Science and/or Math.
D. Lunch.
E. Counseling.
F. Art and/or Music.

4. In a few words, describe your attitude.
A. Serious, soft-spoken, respectful.
B. Friendly, hyper, funny.
C. Rude, reverent (respect your god(s) and/or godess(es)).
D. Happy, hungry.
E. Kind, encouraging, gentle.
F. Loud, fiesty, independent, friendly.

5. If you saw a phantom, what would you do?
A. Go for the kill!
B. Ignore it.
C. Try to trap and study it.
D. Tell someone after you've eaten.
E. Run around Jamaa telling everyone!
F. Try to scare it off with loud noises.

Do you have your results? If not, tally your results now...

If you answered mainly A's, you are a TIGER! Sir Gilbert is your shaman.
If you answered mainly B's, you are a MONKEY! Graham is your shaman.
If you answered mainly C's, you are a WOLF! Greely is your shaman.
If you answered mainly D's, you are a KOALA! Cosmo is your shaman.
If you answered mainly E's, you are a PANDA! Liza is your shaman.
If you answered mainly F's, you are a RABBIT! Peck is your shaman.

Read more about your shaman here! Tell everyone what animal YOU are in the comments!

Want to celebrate your animal, but, for example, don't have enough gems to buy another one, or you already have all of your animals and don't want to recycle them? Here's a solution:
If you are a member, go ahead and buy one of those giant animal plushies in the Animal Museum. They only cost 500 gems.
If you are a non-member, there are currently a few types of 'Animal Banners' you can put in your den (again in the Animal Museum). Currently there are only Wolf and Monkey for non-members and Tigers and Rabbits(or was it one of the others?) for members. Another method (for a non-member Tiger, for example) is to go to the Claw Machine in Crystal Sands and play until you win your animal's plushie (in this case, Tigers and Pandas are the most common and won't take long to come by. Koalas are currently the rarest along with wolves). If you run out of gems before you get your animal's plushie, you can always come talk to me. I have plenty of extra plushies (and am willing to fish for any plushie you desire. I have gems to waste =D) and we can organize a fair trade (for example, if you have a rare you don't wear we can trade for it, because I'm gonna need prizes if we're gonna keep having contests *hint hint*).
Hope this helps (and was interesting =D)!
Bye for now!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

To Get, or Not to Get...

Hello everyone...
I'm thinking REALLY HARD about getting a membership...
I mean, seriously! Change your nametag? Minigames in your den? All that other crazy stuff?
But there's a complication.
My parents won't pay for it, I don't know how or where to get a Zeevex, if I 'borrowed' a credit card to get it I'd be grounded (but more likely just killed, as in yelled at for hours), and I"m afraid of the 'run-out-of-membership banning'.
So, should I, and can someone help me avoid 'problems'? I think the Zeevex is the best way to avoid it, but what about the banning? That would hit me in the end...
I don't know...
Bye for now!

Sorry, and New Stuff!

Hello everyone...
I just have to say I'm sorry for recent inconvenience. Blogger just went and shut down for over a week (I haven't been able to post OR comment since then). So, sorry about that!
Anyway, it's the second week, so there's NEW STUFF!
Here's just a bit of it (M = member only):
Arcade machines - Play Spider Zapper and Phantom Fighter in your den! M
Firefighter helmet M
Flat couch M
Picnic blanket M
Fox hat - Returning!
Member player cards have little 'flourish' on the 'teleport thing'.
Members can change nametag design

That's all I can list for now, unfortunately... cuz I have a really weird 'error'?
Is anyone else getting this? I'll show you some pictures:
Is anyone else getting stuff like this? Also, I can't move, and I can't see anyone's player card pictures.
So... I don't know...
ALSO: Keep your eye out for the 'What Animal Are You?' quiz I will be putting up soon... it's a kind of personality test. I've already taken it and I can tell you I am quite firmly a wolf ;)
Bye for now!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Little Kookyjammer

I already posted this on my blog but I'll post it here too.

Little Kookyjammer stole one of my pictures. If you are this jammer, say the username on this post! Bye!

Monday, May 9, 2011

I owe everyone an apology...

I'm sorry for two things:
Not posting for a few days
Missing the parties
Here's my explanation. It just so happened that on Saturday we were supposed to go watch the new movie, Thor (awesome!), at 3:30 CST. AKA, half an hour before the AJ party. By the time it was over (and we ate supper near the theater too) it was around 8:00 CST. I'm sorry for this!
Also, I haven't posted for a few days because:
1, yesterday was Mother's Day
2, I was super busy working on a project for school.
So, I haven't been able to post.
Bye for now!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

New game kinds like feralheart!

Hello guys! I found this cool new game kinda like feralheart!! This is the website to download it ---> http://www.wolfquest.org/  I tried to take pictures but it would not let me but wolf quest is FUN!

Friday, May 6, 2011


My mom wanted to talk with her friends after school... so... yeah. I missed my own party!
Will Sunday work with all of the same information?
Bye for now!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

For those that don't know, and PARTY TIME!!!!

Hey everybody!
Anyways, I've been asked by some people what FeralHeart, a '3D AJ' as I would call it, exactly is.
Well, it's a 3D AJ! Simple enough?
Well, you want to know more.
You can have as many animals as you want and play as a wolf or a lion. Your animal is fully customizable (no clothes, however. It's just fur patterns and colors) and you get to run around and explore the amazing 3D world. Also, there's no membership, so everyone has equal opportunities.
Here are a few screenshots (just interesting pics I took of my animal):

Yes, it took a LONG time to get some of these poses just perfect, and I had to use one of the special in-game cameras to get the pictures.
And the regular game is just as awesome as those!
Currently I'm working on creating my own area... the 'Enchanted Forest' or 'The Secret Woods', I think I'll call it. I think I'll have it done by the end of this weekend.

Also, like Hjackler said, 5000 hits! Party time!
Here's the info. If this doesn't work well for you, please tell me:

AJ Party:
Friday, May 6th, 2011
Time: 5:00 PM CST (6:00 EST, 4:00 MST, 3:00 PST. If you aren't in any of these time zones search Google for an international clock)
Location: My den (WILL MOVE AROUND)
Server: Draa, Pecos if Draa is full

FH (FeralHeart) Party:
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Time: 5:00 PM CST
Location: Temple of Dreams (WILL MOVE AROUND)
Server: N/A (FH doesn't have servers!)

How does that sound?
Bye for now!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

New Game?

Hello everyone...
I think there may be a NEW game on WCC...
Take a look at FeralHeart. It's a cool game where you create your own animal/animals (unlimited!) and get to be wild and free, running wherever you desire, roleplaying, etc.
It's extremely amazing... I'd check it out!
Should this be a new game on WCC?
Bye for now!

Monday, May 2, 2011

The Game Blogger Union

Hello everyone!
If you looked at some recent comments, you will see that Tigerstripe recommended that AJ blog owners unite to make our sites more secure, kinda like our own 'alliance'.
Anyway, he helped me plan and make a NEW site that serves that purpose!
Look at The Game Blogger Union. If you own an AJ blog (or a blog about any game), look at this site. This may be a BIG help for us bloggers later.
Bye for now!

New Way to Scam?

Hello everyone...
I heard about this today when General Templewolf (username: rumpo) announced 'Important Meeting in the Pillow Room!' What choice did I have but to go there?
Anyway, I went in there, and I was informed that there was a new way to scam.
He explained a bit about it, but it was hard because everyone was saying random things.
I posted on chat about it and Hjackler said that he knew how people did it.

Here's the method:
First, you put a pillow in a certain place in your den.
Next, you find someone with a rare item on their trade list that you want.
You tell them to come to your den, and that you will show them a way to do a special dance without hitting action buttons.
You show them the pillow you placed earlier and tell them to repeatedly click it.
As they are repeatedly clicking (you can tell that they are by looking at what their animal does: if it is twitching in random ways, that means they're clicking it), you find the rare item on their trade list that you wanted.
You send a trade request with a cruddy item (and most scammers would probably use the cheapest item in the stores, as in something completely useless).
As they are clicking, if you placed the pillow in just the right spot, what will happen is that they will immediately accept the trade request because they are still clicking, and they will also immediately close the 'You Got *item name*' screen.
They won't be even able to tell that you did it until they look at ther trade list, which could be (in some cases) days or weeks later.

Don't fall for simple tricks like this! In general, don't listen to anyone who is not someone you know well without thinking it through first! And if someone keeps bothering you about it, say 'I already know how to do that, thanks' and walk away, or, if your den is locked, go into your den.
If you take simple steps now, it will prevent blunders later!

Also, if you are a scammer, how about you try just earning your own gems? I have almost 39,000 some and can buy anything I want, for example. For example, if I want more gems (which I don't usually care about much...) I will usually go and play my favorite game, Pest Control. It's easy if you understand it and have played it before (but not AJ's version... in my case, I have played several hundred different versions of Tower Defense, which is what Pest Control is, really). But if you want an easy way to earn gems (although not as quick as some other games) Overflow is another easy game.
What I did on my old account, greenwoodwolf (a BETA account - it had the free after-memership and everything) to earn all of my animals was I went and played Double Up over and over and over... I must have played it some 20,000 times over that month, for not only did I get all of the dens available at the time (regular castle and treehouse), but I also got all 8 animals AND I helped one friend (also a BETA ager) get all of his animals and dens too. It's a good method, but it took at least 3 hours to earn an animal most days (Just counting the animal prices, it costs 35,000 gems to buy all 8 animals. In other words, you need to play games for a LONG TIME. Including the treehouse and castle den prices (how much I got on my old account) it adds to 45,000 gems, around 6,000 more gems than even I have).
And if you want to have better stuff and you're a non-member, how about you just get a membership (if your parents will pay)? It's a lot better than getting reported and/or banned from AJ, right? And you get all of the nice items you desire, as well as a gem bonus AND an achievement for joining.
Bye for now!

Staff List Updated

Hello everyone...
May's staff list is updated...

@ KingChris1788 & wolves are awesome:
I'm sorry, but like I said on the @ Mods post, being a mod is an honor that can't be wasted. And yes, I know you commented, wolves, but it's not good enough to comment just to comment. You have to have a purpose, a motive, a reason. If everybody just said 'la la la la who cares I'll just sit here and comment 'HI' a billion times just so that I can be a mod', what would we have?
And I know that's not what you guys are doing, but you have to be active. While you were still mods, you could be considered 'the dormant staff'. You were barely doing anything on-site, if anything at all (besides chat. My current theory is that you were just waiting for the cheat codes, and when they worked, you would ignore the rest of the stuff, but, I can't be sure. You never commented).
All that I'm trying to get at is that we have 5 names on the list that can't be wasted. If we waste them, it becomes pointless.

Bye for now!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

The REAL Reason There Has Been No Non-Member Stuff Recently...

Hello everyone!
I just want to explain what I heard was the answer to why there's been no non-member stuff.
AJ is running out of $.
If they can't get more $, and FAST, they're gonna have to shut down the game.
AKA, the non-members kinda are 'parisites', if you know what I mean.
They need more members, and FAST.
I'm not sure how long AJ will be able to hold up... but once it costs more to own the site than the membership gives them, AJ will be gone.
So... yeah. They need more members.
Just in case if AJ DOES fall apart... I'm probably gonna try to introduce a new game.
I'm gonna give some options on a poll, including:

Free Realms (homepage: freerealms.com, POS*)
Wizard101 (homepage: wizard101.com, POS)
POS = Previously On-Site

Whoa... I just checked my e-mail, and apparently for playing Runescape, I've been chosen to play in the closed BETA of a new game, 8Realms. Should I blog about this? Hmm...
Bye for now!