Thursday, December 15, 2011

Why The World Is Amazing, In 500 Words Or Less

Hello everyone!
In this post, I'm counting words. So I won't bother with an explanation until I'm sure I have extra words.
Tell me, what is the 'motto' of WCC's chat?
Exactly. WCC's Chat! This is where everyone can get to know each other!
Take a good, long look at the bolded part.
And then consider this.
WCC, even though it's been up-and-running for almost a YEAR, still continues to amaze me.
First it was the first commenter. You know who you are.
Then the first words on chat.
The first crisis.
The first recovery.
The first hacking.
The first sidebar gizmos.
The first nine hits.
The first thirty thousand hits.
The first nine months.
The beginning of the next several years.
The first community.
The first everything.
Why do I say this?
Because today there was another first.
Maybe some day I will grow up to be a psychologist.
Maybe I will understand this amazing phenomenon.
What happened today?
Something that I've never had anyone tell me before and mean it.
Why do I bring this up?
Just to show the amazingness of WCC... what it's done.
Let me show you.
Let us take a group of people with one thing in common: we all play AJ.
Let us let these people socialize and make friends and enemies.
Now let us watch.
They are all a bit shy... but eventually, they all realize that they have something in common. That they like him, hate her. That they can see each other's perspective at the same time without really compromizing anything.
So what have we done?
We have gotten to know each other.
We know each other's hopes, dreams and fears. Our likes and loves and hates. Our worlds. Our glasses.
We may not take it seriously... but we have actually formed closer friendships than we could have if we went to the same school.
Because there's always that awkward pause when you know they can find out everything about you.
When you're innocent and anonymous, you're more likely to tell things you wouldn't have otherwise.
I could tell a complete stranger on a bus my life's story more completely and accurately than I could my closest friends.
What does this mean?
We are closer than an entire school is.
More of you know my name than the 150 people in the Junior and Senior classes at my high school do. Not my real name, of course. But my name.
And now I wait, and watch, and look for more wonders in this world.
Bye for now!
PS: This was just to show the wonders of the world.
Word count: 441


  1. Post With The Most Words And Meaning On WCC!

  2. Wow...very deep woodswolf, heartfelt and so true.

  3. Cool.... Ive Actually Thought That Everything Happens For A Reason. A Great Reason, And For All Of Us, Our Reason For Being Here Is AJ, But Whats Our Reason For AJ, And The Reason For That. I Beleve Reasons, Small Ones, Can Turn Huge. That Huge Reason Turns To Fate. It Is Fate That We Are All Here.
    Heres My Reason, My Cause And Effects That Brought Me Here.
    My House Moved From My Old School District, To The New School District. Me And My BFFL Had To Go There, But My Other BFFL Had To Stay.
    Once I Was At School I Knew Only Her. I Was In One Class, And I Met The Person Who Was Soon To Be My Best Friend, And Tell Me About AJ.
    4th Grade Was Nice, I Got Classes Changed, Though.
    5th Grade. I Was In My Home Class, Also My Math. My Friend Was There, But Not My BFFL, Shes In Louisiana. I Had To Get A Friend, And She Was My Friend. Later On, In The Middle Of The School Year, Around Fall, She Told Me About Her Favorite Website, With Adorable Animals, And Her Favorite Animal, Wolves.
    I Had My Douts. Animal Jam? Sounds Kinda Lame... In A Week, I Tested It... I Didnt Turn In My Homework That Next Day... I Was Obsessed. I Played Until Curfew, Weekends I Played Until 3 And Then Fell On My Sofa And DREAMED ABOUT IT! Now, My BFFL (I Have Lots) Has A User, Shes The One That Told Me About AJ, Its Riotgirl, But She Will Not Add You, Her Dad Blocked Out AJ.
    I Googled Up Animaljam Pictures, And I Found A Blog. What Blog? Oh I Think You Know.... It Was FUZZY'S Blog.
    I Got Interested, I Learned All About AJ From The Person Who Started AJ Blogging. I Got On Chat, Too. The First Person I Met Was Lemmykoopa10, Shes Not On Anymore.
    I Met Fuzzy At A Party, One That She Put In CST Time, But I Was There Waiting, Early, And I Saw Her. Well, Most Everyone Knows What Happened On Her Blog, Up Until Quiting.
    So I Came Here, Where We All Went, I Didnt Comment Much, I Mostly Played AJ.
    Now Im Here, We All Know Eachother, We ARE Closer Than A School, And Even Though We Are Nowhere Close To Eachother On Earth, Its Like A Family On This Blog, We Are All A Family Here :)
    I Think Internet Friends Are Far Apart, But Close.
    Its Been A Year And Some Months Since Ive Joined AJ, And It Will Never Die For Me, And If AJ Never Dies, This Blog Will Never Die, And We Will Be Here Until Well..... It Dies D: We All Know Stuff Gets Old.... But If We Stop On AJ, We Can Play Other Games, But I Hope AJ Never Stops <3
    Im A Bit Weird, But I Beleve That Were All Here For Something Bigger...
    I Also Beleve In The Loch Ness Monster


    But I Hope This Made You Mesmerized, I Was By This Post, I Still Have More To Say, But I Dont Know It Yet...
    And I Dont Have Glasses But I Like Them I Look Cute In Glasses [Off Topic]
    And... Heres The Tiny We All Know And Love..

    PIE BE-ITH GOOD. ★3★




  5. We all play AJ. I believe that there is something that drew all of us to playing AJ... whether it was Aj ads in Nat geo kids magazine... or whether it was seeing Fuzzy Shyivy's blog. I never met Fuzzy but I read her blog and also played AJ... Woods I came here when Fuzzy quit. AJR has fallen, but you arose a new empire, the empire of WCC... and you kept us up to date on everything once Fuzzy quit. This post is true, and even more amazing, is that when we started out, we were scattered, barely knew each other, and yes, now we finally have made friends. When my Bff can't play, I turn to my friends here, at WCC, in the comments. I swear I'd trust Woodswolf even more than I'd trust my Bff, or even my baby brother. The fact that we all play AJ was a bond beetween us...and the bond grew stronger as WCC evolved.. which meant that it brought us here, to the great awesomeness that WCC is today. AJ has helped, the bond that we liked AJ made us stronger. Made us have friendships. Woodswolf has posted snd we have commented. The bond grew stronger. Then it bought us to this post, right here, today.
    Woodswolf is right.

  6. WCC Mod HjacklerDecember 16, 2011

    That was pretty impressive! :)

  7. ★★★★★★★★Seals8★★★★★★★★December 16, 2011

    We all play AJ. I believe that there is something that drew all of us to playing AJ... whether it was Aj ads in Nat geo kids magazine... or whether it was seeing Fuzzy Shyivy's blog. I never met Fuzzy but I read her blog and also played AJ... Woods I came here when Fuzzy quit. AJR has fallen, but you arose a new empire, the empire of WCC... and you kept us up to date on everything once Fuzzy quit. This post is true, and even more amazing, is that when we started out, we were scattered, barely knew each other, and yes, now we finally have made friends. When my Bff can't play, I turn to my friends here, at WCC, in the comments. I swear I'd trust Woodswolf even more than I'd trust my Bff, or even my baby brother. The fact that we all play AJ was a bond beetween us...and the bond grew stronger as WCC evolved.. which meant that it brought us here, to the great awesomeness that WCC is today. AJ has helped, the bond that we liked AJ made us stronger. Made us have friendships. Woodswolf has posted snd we have commented. The bond grew stronger. Then it bought us to this post, right here, today.
    Woodswolf is right. There were firsts. Bunnylove3 making the first comment... all of us living through the first crisis, the Fuzzy Crisis, those first words that were typed on chat.. I'd like to tell you this... but as I've read through the acrchives, I've noticed something. As I read through them, I felt like a had actually expirienced those times. Those feelings, I felt like I'd expirienced everything, everything, even though I didn't show up until March, commenting under the name of Virgobunny. I've gone through so much with you all.
    This post shows that everything has beginnigs, and firsts. And yet everything has endings, and lasts. If you ever left WCC like AJR, Woodswolf, I'd be the first to comment begging you to come back, because of all WCC has been through. All of us together. WCC would never be so great if we'd never gotten to know each other.


  8. ★★★★★★★★Seals8★★★★★★★★December 16, 2011

    We all play AJ. I believe that there is something that drew all of us to playing AJ... whether it was Aj ads in Nat geo kids magazine... or whether it was seeing Fuzzy Shyivy's blog. I never met Fuzzy but I read her blog and also played AJ... Woods I came here when Fuzzy quit. AJR has fallen, but you arose a new empire, the empire of WCC... and you kept us up to date on everything once Fuzzy quit. This post is true, and even more amazing, is that when we started out, we were scattered, barely knew each other, and yes, now we finally have made friends. When my Bff can't play, I turn to my friends here, at WCC, in the comments. I swear I'd trust Woodswolf even more than I'd trust my Bff, or even my baby brother. The fact that we all play AJ was a bond beetween us...and the bond grew stronger as WCC evolved.. which meant that it brought us here, to the great awesomeness that WCC is today. AJ has helped, the bond that we liked AJ made us stronger. Made us have friendships. Woodswolf has posted snd we have commented. The bond grew stronger. Then it bought us to this post, right here, today.
    Woodswolf is right. There were firsts. Bunnylove3 making the first comment... all of us living through the first crisis, the Fuzzy Crisis, those first words that were typed on chat.. I'd like to tell you this... but as I've read through the acrchives, I've noticed something. As I read through them, I felt like a had actually expirienced those times. Those feelings, I felt like I'd expirienced everything, everything, even though I didn't show up until March, commenting under the name of Virgobunny. I've gone through so much with you all.
    This post shows that everything has beginnigs, and firsts. And yet everything has endings, and lasts. If you ever left WCC like AJR, Woodswolf, I'd be the first to comment begging you to come back, because of all WCC has been through. All of us together. WCC would never be so great if we'd never gotten to know each other.


  9. ☯KittyLemonadeMeowz☯December 16, 2011

    Seals8, you have a point. You are right.


  10. Woodswolf and the rest. Look down two posts from here. The AJ Update one. then go to Look at my post. You need screenshots in your blog, Woodswolf. It brings the blog to life.

  11. @ geckoguy:
    I know, I know. It's easier to do a plaintext post, however, as I crop the pictures so that they only show what I want them to, and no more. Zoom in on any of the pictures, pretty much, and you'll see that they're EXACTLY cropped.
    Also, it takes me around ten minutes to get a good screenshot for most things (cuz then I have to upload it and stuff). And what screenshot could I put here, anyways? Some of them don't need screenshots. Also, I only use screenshots on the most important things as I like to keep a few secrets for you to discover yourself :)

  12. Wow woods!It's so true!I came meeting Awesome Tinygirl on Fuzzy's chat along sometime in October or December.I read the blog not knowing anyone but Fuzzy.As time went along I met Funwow...Then Wolves are Awesome and Woods!I hardly knew Woods though...As the crisis went by I learnt so much about AJ all thanks to WCC.Like AJR, WCC is very great and strong.But one difference,WCC will NEVER fall.To me WCC is like a a family.Lasting forever even in heaven.Were so far,but so close.We know everything there is to know about one another (Except personal things!) now everything that happened?Fuzzy quitting?That is what brought us here~It's a good thing!If not I would've quit along side with Fuzzy!I don't care what ever happened in the past what matters is now~But I never forget the wonderful day I Came!
    Without everyone here on WCC, I would've fallen through.I was fed up with haters and spammers and scammers.But with this strong bond between us,we're all here.As one big,happy family.Not breaking.Sure we have bumps in the road,sure we fight sometimes!We all are together,friends fight,just what they do!I'm glad a stayed till this moment I'm glad we're all still here.I'm glad we can still stand strong as friends....But as family.
    (LOL That seems long xD I'd go one but Bed time!)


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