Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Hello Everybody 
I'm back again 
And I need to tell you guys something...

The MMorpg 
I started  A small Rpg I June
I plan to do more things with it... 

Animal jam has been having problems Lately
I though a bit And I might be able to make one
With your help 
Alright So I think  I can buy the software By December Anyways I need Your We already have a few jobs Out, But the game will be based on wolves And 3 Dollars From every 5 Dollar membership Would go to Wolves in Yellowstone national park. So it's going to a good cause. 

The Jobs 

Okay so There are a few jobs already planed out 

Designer: Millicy 
                               Programmer's: Tigerstripe, Key99, maybe Woodswolf  
I have plans for Hjackler 
Any other jobs  Can be commented below I will give you Credit And You will get the job if you want it. Bye


  1. Hmmm...You could have someone who comes up with the new stuff.Is it about wolves (I think it is...)?

  2. I totally forget what it's called...lol.

  3. can i do something maybe someone could be the organizer the organize everything were going to do

  4. im no good at mmos. maybe i can just program movements and sprites

  5. @ silverstorm
    You cold do that
    Once I get the software I'll announce the name, and Yes it's about wolves
    @ Winterstream
    Maybe well talk later
    @ key99
    Hmm you dads a programmer right?

  6. Can i get a job???? -Usapeep

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Medieval sunnygemAugust 18, 2011

    Hmmmm....i have a job?i could help program!


  10. @ Tigerstripe:
    Sure! I'm taking a C++ class next semester in school (It starts late January) so I wouldn't be able to REALLY help out until then. But I have my own special software that we could load... I know how to do a few things with it :)
    Also I'm really liking this idea! It's a fun, creative way to get everyone together! Good job!
    And sorry I've been gone, it's just I've been 'experimenting'...

  11. Medieval sunnygemAugust 21, 2011

    Everyone ignores me.:(

  12. I think you should make a Builder job.


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