Monday, August 29, 2011

Lookin' Bak

i remember WCC from start to this post and everything its been tough it makes me happy to see we made it this far :)



  1. Its funny cuz woodswolf quit and ustarted viewing 2 months ago... @#$%i poser

  2. Virgobunny, future WCC mod?August 31, 2011

    Kitkats, please post for me that Virgobunny would like to become a mod on WCC, and she reads often, and loves WCC. Is it true what Anonymous said? Did Woodswolf quit? Can you give me more coverage on the Fuzzy Crisis?

  3. @ virgobunny

    sure email me at n i will giv u more info bout it.


  4. Woah woah woah!!!Ww told me that she'd never quit Wcc!She said she'd be writing forever or AT least something like that...O.o!

  5. omg yall nee 2 give up she quit and she never even gets comments anymore the annymous comment wuz me

  6. Virgobunny, future WCC mod?September 04, 2011

    Kitkats, sorry. I cant email anyone other than my contacts. But, meet me on Animal Jam at about 1:00 CST on September 6, kk?

    PS: Tigerstripe, Woodswolf posted on new stuff a few days ago, but I'm still worried...WCC may end up like AJR... but Woodswolf would never do that...she said so herself that Fuzzy should give AJR a last post and death...Will a last post be posted tommorow?


  7. @ Kitkats: sorry, cant send email to anybody other than my contacts. Also, I have 2 accounts, virgobunny and s80me, so expect me to be on s80me a lot, cuz s80me has a membership. I am now commenting as Twinkle Windywolf, so that's me. @Everyone reading this: Woodswolf MAY have quit WCC. We have no proof. @Mods: Post the following, please.
    This is what to post: Woodswolf, I have seen a commenter named Woodwolfs. Tigerstripe is carring a rumor that you have quit WCC. Meet all the staff, plus a friend, in s80me's den at 1:00 CST tommorow. Please try to make it Woodswolf. Please.

  8. Woodswolf fucks

  9. WOODSWOLF NOT FUCK oops i said cuss word


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