Thursday, March 31, 2011

@ Fuzzy Shyivy...

I posted this on AJR at 2:47 PM on Thursday, March 31st, 2011:

Hello... Fuzzy...
I don't know if you will see this... but I just want to say...
This was your first post...
I want there to be a last. A true ending, instead of just stretched time in a vacuum with no end and no beginning.
AJR was born. If you want it to... be life-like...
AJR must die.
That is the cycle of the universe. It's not bad... but...
AJR must die.
If you don't see this... I don't blame you... just respond to my e-mail. Even just a 'no' will be fine...
People look up to you, Fuzzy. They do. That's why I made my blog.
Random thoughts are flying through my fingers onto the keyboard because I know that these could be the last ones I type for Fuzzy Shyivy...
Please. Have mercy on all of us. Don't quit...
If you must quit, don't draw it out forever like an infinitely-big crayon on a conveyer belt... drawing a straight line until eternity... never stopping... never ceasing...
Never dying.
Everyone NEEDS you, Fuzzy. The only reason those sites are out there are because those people who made them RESPECT YOU. They wanted to be like the eternally-awesome Fuzzy Shyivy...
They wanted to be you.
If you must go... I would donate your account. To anyone. To take care of it... to not let it be one of the ones that is just there and gone like the lightning in the storm... like the fire under the water... like the light in the deepest crevasse in the darkest lake...
Make it fast, Fuzzy. Make it fast.
Tell others. Then do it.
But not yet...
Even better... be like Harry Potter.
Thousands of people idolized him... said that he was their only hope...
He let Voldemort kill him...
And he came back. He came back again. To save them.
He came back to save them.
He came BACK.
Be a Harry, Fuzzy.
Harry and Fuzzy aren't that different... one, if spelled differently, means the same as the other...
Harry. Hairy. Hairy = Fuzzy.
And what did Harry do?
Tell me what he did.
He came BACK.
If this is the final comment on AJR... I will never know.
Hairy = Fuzzy.
Read it, Fuzzy. I want you to. And so does everybody else.
He came BACK.
He had a choice. Die, or go back.
Which did he pick?
He chose to come back.
And you must do the same.
Goodbye, Fuzzy.
Goodbye, AJR.
Goodbye, Hairy.
You must return some day...
-Woodswolf, making the last comment ever made by an AJR mod, most likely ever.

If you wish to know why I wrote this, read the 4 posts below...

Also, I think we should have a type-off for Fuzzy. Everyone MUST get on the chat on April 1st at 7:00 CST. Everyone must come. I will announce the mods. But then we will say our own obituaries and happy memories of Fuzzy, AJ and AJR.
Goodbye Hairy...
Goodbye everyone...


  1. Fuzzy's...quitting? NO!Fuzzy, please don't quit some many people look up to you. You have given the inspiration for so many animal jam blogs, including my own. It would be terrible if you quit, the first, amazing, animal jam blogger. If you quit, what will your fans think? Their hearts will break.

  2. Yeah kinda what i thot We gotta stop her! If we dont The other blogs will have to look to you woodswolf.I will be behind ya all te way xD

  3. Thanks, everyone...
    @ Silverstorm:
    I know... it's just awful. I thought when I originally had the idea that I would always have Fuzzy to look up to... but I guess that's not the case anymore... It's just sad.
    @ lalakers24678 (Mod Hjackler)
    Yes. I'm going to post that I want EVERYONE to publicize WCC in every way possible! AKA, tell others about it on all sorts of chats and websites! I'm thinking about starting a 'fandvertize' system... AKA, I will advertise your site if you advertise mine.

  4. bunnylove3April 01, 2011

    i also wish fuzzy could keep doing it but its her decision and we should repect that... even if its hard :(

    woodswolf: how do u add a profile pic? i painted a really cool wolf on paint (luv urs by the way)

    also that post was very emtional and moving and poetic. wow i wish fuzzy knew thats how u felt. it pretty much sums up what we all want to say and we all feel.

  5. @ bunnylove3:
    I know... you can actually read more 2 understand more...
    If you read Harry Potter (or see HP7 Pt. II) you will be able to see what I was talking about with 'Harry' 'Hairy' and 'Fuzzy'.
    Also, to add a profile pic, you have to sign up for a Gmail and edit your profile.
    Hope that helped!

  6. i have a comcast :P

    i heard of the harry potter books but i never read them .. maybe one day i will ppl say they r good

  7. bunnylove3April 02, 2011

    oops the the comment above is mine i did 'b' on accident its supoosed to be bunnylove3

  8. yeah... i know...
    and they are really good... probably some of the best books ever written...

  9. i really miss fuzzy, she is gone now, maybe for ever, but if you posted that for me, i wouldn't quit, well, i'd at least reconsider....owwwh fuzzy, i miss you, and if you read this comment, please, please go on AJ
    again. she made me make my own blog!
    i hope you come back, fuzzy shyivy, the AJ legend, that everyone wanted
    to see, but might never, now!!!!!

  10. @ biscutboo:
    I know. It's just awful what she did, really... but we don't have to worry about that anymore :)
    Times have changed. I don't like it that she quit either... but it happened.

  11. Why is Fuzzy so popular? All she did was make a blog with stuff people knew already.
    Just saying. :P

  12. Heroes are remembered, but legends never die.

  13. @ Anonymous above me

    FYI she made the blog to help she didn't do it to be popular, so you must obviously be jealous.



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